
Aura colors meaning chart
Aura colors meaning chart

aura colors meaning chart

They’re usually non judgmental people who will follow their hearts before cross checking with logic. Usually they feel so inspired by everything it falls a little flat when they become overwhelmed and scattered. They really enjoy competition and winning in life. Reds are often business owners, real estate agents, and in sales. They don’t know where to set the limit on their own tenacity. They can also go to intense behavior as a self destructive outlet gambling, drinking, over working out. An unbalanced red can be angry with a fiery temper. They don’t play emotional games they are very straightforward and are often found at the top of their game in “boys club” industries. I often find that red moms are labeled as aggressive and often get a lot judgment simply because they tend to want to have it all – they aren’t the passive type and can’t deal with the traditional gender roles. They are alphas in their packs and people around them tend to fall in line happily. A balanced red is fun to be around, strong, athletic and personable as well as present enough to be able to read the energy of others very easily. They often are in charge of others and effortlessly take risks to make sure they are in control of their own lives at all times. Reds are fiercely protective of the ones they love in their life and have zero tolerance for disloyalty among them. Others follow them because they have a confidence about them that’s contagious. A red person is a natural leader in life. They often know their need to be entrepreneurs. Reds are the people in charge the trailblazers. Blues are such giving people, but they tend to overlook the need to give to oneself. It’s the constant struggle of the blue aura individual to remember that just because they can FEEL the emotions of another, doesn’t make that person any more important than themselves. In relationships, blues moms can often get labeled as codependent and in friendships they can often feel like a door mat. They work best with the “innocents” of our population – animals, children and the elderly. I often see blue moms in the medical field as nurses, however very common they are teachers too. A blue cannot put up a wall to anyone they are highly affected by the relationships in their life and therefore sometimes find themselves thinking long and hard before letting someone truly into their circle. It upsets them to the core that people can be so cold and cruel. An unbalanced blue can feel victimized in life, for not everyone will treat them the way they treat others. A balanced blue is a fluent communicator, grateful in the little moments and amazingly supportive of all around them. Because they are so open they tend to have a hard time shutting out negativity, I often find that they take in others’ energy and often develop health issues because of it. Blues make for amazing people to be in a relationship with.

aura colors meaning chart

They feel the need to help others constantly and feeling needed is how they connect spiritually. For example, yellow/blues are usually in the medical field as nutritionists or therapists and yellow/purples are often into interior design or photography.īlues are the healers and empaths of our society. However, depending on their balancing color, using those organizational skills instead to promote their own business is ideal. I see a lot of yellows in executive type businesses accounting, upper level management, secretarial. I see yellow moms struggling a lot with being perfectionists they tend to be terribly hard on themselves. An unbalanced yellow tries to control everything around them all the time- including the perception others have of them – and can be robbed of their present moment joy. A balanced yellow is open, social and outgoing. I find they are usually very creative with practical arts – design, cooking or baking, building and sewing. In relationships they value communication and trust.

aura colors meaning chart

They are process oriented and very direct, honest and curious. Yellows are highly developed organizationally.

Aura colors meaning chart